SUNSHINE and MOONSHINE ~The Sun Ambrassador
canvas - 100% linen, oil painting
created: November, 2015
There are many ways that the “ALMIGHTY”, sends HIS visual message to earth, for all to see or hear ! On this day, “HE” sent an Ambassador of the sky, that oversees this territory, to which he fly's proudly, with a message of danger within the valley, beyond the perfectly set rock-wall, as the valley fill with an unsettling mist, with danger lurking within. As the EAGLE spout out a warning cry for anyone wanting to travel into the valley of the lost. Meanwhile the cloud continue to roll through the valley covering everything in it's path, as the Sun seem to rest for the night and the Eagle with have done her task.
90x70 cm
35.43x27.56 in
Zelinskaya Yuliya